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Author: delta

Missing Component Could Revolutionize Electronics

The Trancitor Another “missing” component could revolutionize electronics A new theory predicts the existence of an electronic device that works like an inverse transistor. It could make circuits, smaller, faster, and less power hungry. Abstract: In this article, we first point out a missing active-device while providing its theoretical definition and impact on electronics. This type of...
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Is “Azure Sphere” The Future Of IoT?

Microsoft Positions Itself for The IoT future with "Azure Sphere" https://youtu.be/iiDF26HNh-Y Microsoft's highly-secured end-to-end solution for connected microcontroller-powered devices. Azure Sphere is a new technology to protect the processors that power smart appliances, connected toys, and other gadgets. Azure Sphere is powered in large part by Linux, a free operating system that Micro...
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